Articles on: Setting up HelpfulCrowd

Working with Orders: Squarespace

We've tried to make our integration with Squarespace do the heavy lifting so you don't have to. This extends to importing and updating order status's.

The least you need to know

We will automatically import all new orders from your store shortly after the customer has checked out
We will periodically check the order status in your store and will automatically update the status in HelpfulCrowd for any changes -  at least every 12 hours
We will automatically create review requests scheduled to send x days after the order status meets the review request email trigger settings (i.e. pending or fulfilled)
If fulfilled is the trigger set for the 1st review request email, the review request email will only be created in HelpfulCrowd after the order status is changed to fulfilled in Squarespace and the change is synced with HelpfulCrowd
If an order is cancelled, the review request will automatically be cancelled on the next sync
If an item in the HelpfulCrowd catalog is either hidden or archived, then a review request will not be sent for that specific item in the review request. Reviews for all other items will be sent
The reminder (2nd) review request will only be sent for items in the order with outstanding reviews
A review can be collected for any and every item in a multi-product order

Review Request Triggers

If you have setup HelpfulCrowd correctly and inserted our snippet on the checkout page of your store, HelpfulCrowd will get notified every time a customer checks out and places an order. 

After getting notified, we'll sync and import the latest orders into HelpfulCrowd. If the order meets the review request trigger event (i.e. pending or fulfilled), then a review request will be created as per the 1st email trigger settings.

Managing Review Requests

If the First review request email trigger is set to pending, then the review request will be created shortly after the customer checks out. The review request email will then be sent based on the number of days specified in the First email template as shown above.

If the First review request email trigger is set to fulfilled, then the review request will be created within 12 hours of the order status being changed to fulfilled in Squarespace. The review request email will then be sent based on the number of days specified in the First email template as shown above.

You can also choose to send a review request immediately, cancel or even create new review requests using the manual Bulk request and Single review request features. Once sent, the status of the email will be displayed beside the notification.  

We also recommend reading:

Getting started
Working with inventory items
Personalised emails
Scheduling review requests
Jumpstart review collection
Importing reviews from other platforms
Supressing review requests

Updated on: 27/07/2022

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