Installing HelpfulCrowd: Ecwid
On Ecwid, HelpfulCrowd can be installed in a few seconds.
If you are logged in to your Ecwid control panel, search for "HelpfulCrowd" in Apps menu and click on app icon:
Or reach our app on Ecwid app marketplace and click Get App.
Once you have HelpfulCrowd app page open in your control panel, click install:
The app will install in a few seconds and you will be redirected to our native Ecwid dashboard. This is where your incoming reviews and Q&A will appear. Make sure to also check out our main app
Locate app
If you are logged in to your Ecwid control panel, search for "HelpfulCrowd" in Apps menu and click on app icon:
Or reach our app on Ecwid app marketplace and click Get App.
Install app
Once you have HelpfulCrowd app page open in your control panel, click install:
The app will install in a few seconds and you will be redirected to our native Ecwid dashboard. This is where your incoming reviews and Q&A will appear. Make sure to also check out our main app
Updated on: 08/03/2021
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