Import Product Reviews
You can import reviews from any other review source using our Review importer.
If the reviews originate from a listed review platform, simply select that platform before importing the file, otherwise just use our Custom Template to import ANY review (with photos and videos) from any source.
You can easily import your existing product ratings & reviews into HelpfulCrowd in four easy steps:
Export - your rating and review data from your existing platform
Download - the HelpfulCrowd template
Format - Use a spreadsheet application, such as Google Sheets (recommended) to edit and format your question and answer data from your existing platform into the HelpfulCrowd .csv file format in UTF-8 encoding
Import - In the HelpfulCrowd App Go to Tools > Data import

Before formatting and trying to import the file, please read and check the following:
Status and verified field values are case sensitive. They need to be entered in lowercase
Make sure your file is in valid CSV format with UTF-8 encoding
Use product codes with same #IDs as you see in the Product Catalog
Reviews with NO Product ID will automatically be imported as a business review
Only store owners in HelpfulCrowd can comment on reviews. You will be automatically assigned as the author for each imported comment
Only 'published' and 'archived' status are recognised in the import. All other status or values in this field will be ignored and the review status will be set to 'pending'. Pending reviews can be published or archived after import
Dates MUST be in the format one of following formats:
2011-05-19 10:30:14 EST
Here is a short video showing how to correctly format the dates using Google Sheets and the yy-mm-dd format:

NB: Incorrect date formats or a blank date filed will result in the line item being rejected and requiring re-processing.
You can instruct HelpfulCrowd to import certain reviews as verified by setting the Verified column value to yes*. Use no in this column (or simply leave it blank) for reviews that are not verified.
Note: Keep in mind that it's in your best interests to ONLY mark as verified reviews that are already verified on previous platform as older versions of your web pages may remain cached by different search engines and it may be possible to check whether or not the review previously had a verified badge.
Screenshot: Import reviews
Remember to select either the HelpfulCrowd Custom template or the relevant review platform template from which the reviews were exported from before selecting the file.

We also recommend reading:
Saving a file as .csv file with UTF-8 encoding
Import Orders
Import Q&A
Setup guide
If the reviews originate from a listed review platform, simply select that platform before importing the file, otherwise just use our Custom Template to import ANY review (with photos and videos) from any source.
You can easily import your existing product ratings & reviews into HelpfulCrowd in four easy steps:
Export - your rating and review data from your existing platform
Download - the HelpfulCrowd template
Format - Use a spreadsheet application, such as Google Sheets (recommended) to edit and format your question and answer data from your existing platform into the HelpfulCrowd .csv file format in UTF-8 encoding
Import - In the HelpfulCrowd App Go to Tools > Data import
HelpfulCrowd Custom Template fields (click to enlarge)

Before formatting and trying to import the file, please read and check the following:
Status and verified field values are case sensitive. They need to be entered in lowercase
Make sure your file is in valid CSV format with UTF-8 encoding
Use product codes with same #IDs as you see in the Product Catalog
Reviews with NO Product ID will automatically be imported as a business review
Only store owners in HelpfulCrowd can comment on reviews. You will be automatically assigned as the author for each imported comment
Only 'published' and 'archived' status are recognised in the import. All other status or values in this field will be ignored and the review status will be set to 'pending'. Pending reviews can be published or archived after import
Dates MUST be in the format one of following formats:
2011-05-19 10:30:14 EST
Here is a short video showing how to correctly format the dates using Google Sheets and the yy-mm-dd format:

NB: Incorrect date formats or a blank date filed will result in the line item being rejected and requiring re-processing.
Importing verified reviews
You can instruct HelpfulCrowd to import certain reviews as verified by setting the Verified column value to yes*. Use no in this column (or simply leave it blank) for reviews that are not verified.
Note: Keep in mind that it's in your best interests to ONLY mark as verified reviews that are already verified on previous platform as older versions of your web pages may remain cached by different search engines and it may be possible to check whether or not the review previously had a verified badge.
Screenshot: Import reviews
Remember to select either the HelpfulCrowd Custom template or the relevant review platform template from which the reviews were exported from before selecting the file.

We also recommend reading:
Saving a file as .csv file with UTF-8 encoding
Import Orders
Import Q&A
Setup guide
Updated on: 08/03/2021
Thank you!