Promotion and Coupon Engine (PaCE™️)

photo credit: Joanjo Pavon from Unsplash
Sharing coupons with customers after purchase during the review collection process is a great way to generate repeat sales. It's also a great way to accelerate and boost review collection rates, especially for new stores.
What does PaCE™️ stand for?
PaCE™️ is HelpfulCrowd's Promotion and Coupon Engine. PaCE™️ is a unique tool to help you grow your business faster, by building customer loyalty and in the process help collect even more reviews - over and above HelpfulCrowd’s already industry leading review collection rates using our unique FRX™️ review collection method.
What is PaCE™️?
PaCE™️ provides unparalleled flexibility and customization to create and share coupons exactly when you want, how you want. It can either be used as an extension to an eCommerce coupon engine or can be used for other promotional events, such as notifying recent customers of upcoming sale events.
PaCE™️ Promotion dashboard

PaCE™️ Coupon dashboard

Why use PaCE™️?
PaCE™️ used with HelpfulCrowd email templates:
increases repeat sales and customer loyalty; and
increases review collections rates
Create Loyal Customers and Repeat Business
PaCE™️ used with coupons allows you to create a unique promotion, attach a coupon and then automatically share that promotion with customers post-sale in ANY HelpfulCrowd email template – review requests, thank you emails, review comments and even Q&A responses.
Using PaCE™️ with HelpfulCrowd Thank-you emails after a review is submitted is a great way to build customer loyalty and generate repeat sales. You can also use PaCE™️ with the Review commenting and Q&A templates - just other ways to encourage the customer to re-visit and purchase from your store.
Collect More Reviews
If you’ve just started your store and want to generate a ton of User Generated Content in the shortest possible time, then PaCE is just the tool. Think of it as a turbo booster for review collection.
HelpfulCrowd’s FRX™️ review collection process already delivers industry leading collection rates organically – meaning without incentivization. PaCE™️, when used with coupons, increases review collection rates by ‘nudging’ customers to leave a review.
Using PaCE™️ with the first or second review request email, or alluding to a ‘special’ thank-you being provided after a review is submitted, is a most common example for increasing review collection rates.
PaCE™️ together with FRX™️ is a killer strategy for dominating review collection.
We also recommend reading:
What makes PaCE™️ superior to competitor solutions?
Getting started with PaCE™️
Updated on: 29/07/2022
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