What is counted as a product?
What is a product?
A product is counted as a unique product in your HelpfulCrowd account, either as supplied by your eCommerce platform or manually uploaded for custom stores.
Generally the product count will be the same as the number of products that are in your store catalog if connected to an eCommerce platform.
Products can have three different status's in HelpfulCrowd:
Published - active and reviewable
Unpublished (Hidden) - not displayed on storefront but review requests are sent
Archived - not displayed on storefront and no review requests are sent - generally for products that have been deleted from the eCommerce platform.
Only Published products count towards the billing plan product count. Unpublished and archived products are not counted towards the billing plan product count.
Note: Changing the product status in HelpfulCrowd doesn't affect or change the product status in the eCommerce platform.
Changing a product status
Simply click on the desired status beside the product in the Product Catalog.

The current status of the product is shown in the left table and also an icon indicates if the product is archived or hidden.
We also recommend reading:
Available plans
How plans are billed
Updated on: 01/08/2022
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