Suppress review requests for repeat customers who have already reviewed the product
By default, HelpfulCrowd sends product review requests everytime a customer buys from you, regardless if they have previously provided a review for the products on the new order.
If you have repeat purchasing customers, you don't want to spam these loyal customers with review requests for products they have already reviewed.
Here's how you can respect your customers and protect your brand and business by only sending them review requests for products they haven't previously reviewed before. A great outcome of this is that is 'spreads' the review collection across your entire product range.
It's easy.
From your HelpfulCrowd control panel, go to Collection > Settings
Disable Repeated Reviews

Tada! It's done!
We also recommend reading:
Sidebar widget
Changing sidebar widget colour
Review Journal page
Review Slider widget
If you have repeat purchasing customers, you don't want to spam these loyal customers with review requests for products they have already reviewed.
Here's how you can respect your customers and protect your brand and business by only sending them review requests for products they haven't previously reviewed before. A great outcome of this is that is 'spreads' the review collection across your entire product range.
How to only send reviews for unreviewed products
It's easy.
From your HelpfulCrowd control panel, go to Collection > Settings
Disable Repeated Reviews

Tada! It's done!
We also recommend reading:
Sidebar widget
Changing sidebar widget colour
Review Journal page
Review Slider widget
Updated on: 28/07/2022
Thank you!