Media Reviews
If a picture is worth a 1,000 many is a video worth?

Photo credit: Dũng Trần Việt, @chunnysocrazy. Unsplash.
Media Reviews are available as standard on all HelpfulCrowd plans.
With HelpfulCrowd Media Reviews, real customers can upload their own photos and videos of your products which has been proven to significantly increase buyers confidence and sales conversion rates over conventional stock images.
Up to 5 media items (photos or videos) in total can be uploaded with each review. Each video can be 30 seconds in length. You have full control over which media to publish to your storefront alongside the review.
The customers has the option to take or seamlessly upload the media content on the fly - mobile, tablet or desktop
If Auto Publish is enabled for both reviews and media, then all media content will automatically be published - it is possible to un-publish previously auto published media at a later time
It is possible to disable Auto Publish for media content at Settings > Reviews
Published media items are displayed with as a thumbnail with the review and can be opened and perused in a lightbox
Goto Moderation > Settings
Enable or disable
Save changes

If the review has been published, then any media content attached to that review can be manually un-published or published simply by dragging the media in Published, and Unpublished box respectively.
Screen capture: Manually publishing and un-publishing media items

To manually publish or un-publish media items
Goto Moderation > Reviews
Goto the media review
Drag the media in Published media box to publish, and in Unpublished box to unpublish
Published Media

Unpublished Media

We also recommend reading:
Social Push
Facebook: Product Review tab

Photo credit: Dũng Trần Việt, @chunnysocrazy. Unsplash.
Media Reviews are available as standard on all HelpfulCrowd plans.
With HelpfulCrowd Media Reviews, real customers can upload their own photos and videos of your products which has been proven to significantly increase buyers confidence and sales conversion rates over conventional stock images.
Up to 5 media items (photos or videos) in total can be uploaded with each review. Each video can be 30 seconds in length. You have full control over which media to publish to your storefront alongside the review.
Media reviews work like this:
The customers has the option to take or seamlessly upload the media content on the fly - mobile, tablet or desktop
If Auto Publish is enabled for both reviews and media, then all media content will automatically be published - it is possible to un-publish previously auto published media at a later time
It is possible to disable Auto Publish for media content at Settings > Reviews
Published media items are displayed with as a thumbnail with the review and can be opened and perused in a lightbox
Media Reviews Setup steps
Goto Moderation > Settings
Enable or disable
Save changes

Publishing and un-publishing media
If the review has been published, then any media content attached to that review can be manually un-published or published simply by dragging the media in Published, and Unpublished box respectively.
Screen capture: Manually publishing and un-publishing media items

To manually publish or un-publish media items
Goto Moderation > Reviews
Goto the media review
Drag the media in Published media box to publish, and in Unpublished box to unpublish
Media status
Published Media

Unpublished Media

We also recommend reading:
Social Push
Facebook: Product Review tab
Updated on: 28/07/2022
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