Auto Publish
Automatically publishing all reviews saves time and some say can even be the most valuable marketing tool for you business by providing:
a unique opportunity to engage with customers - to build an immediate relationship and publicly demonstrate what your business stands for; and
invaluable insight into best/worst product experiences
Auto Publish can build more trust than almost any other feature if used and communicated correctly. How?
Imagine for a moment that you are a shopper and visit a site and see the following two messages displayed:
"Unbiased Reviews from 1,000s of REAL Customers" ; and
"All product reviews are from our own customers. Every one is published unedited, good, bad or ugly."
We think that you'd be like the majority of shoppers - recognise that this business can be trusted, and more importantly, the reviews on the site can be trusted.
Of course if a review doesn't fall within the review guidelines then it's totally acceptable, and actually preferred, that it's marked inappropriate and removed from the storefront.
Using Auto Publish with the right messaging can significantly increase shopper engagement and conversions and can even save you a stack of time. You can also add comments or un-publish media items any time after publishing.
A customer submits a review
Review is automatically published to the storefront
We send an email to notify you that a new review has been received
Add comments or publish/un-publish media items anytime and re-publish
Online purchases - email review requests
Storefront reviews - visitors or customers who have previously purchased or have experience
Media review content - photos and videos (if enabled)
Screen capture: Storefront review with Auto Publish

Auto Publish Setup steps
Goto Moderation > Settings
Enable Auto Publish
Screenshot: Auto Publish settings

One last word. It takes a long time to build credibility and trust and they can be lost in an instant. If you are going to unleash the magical power of Auto Publish with a supporting message "We publish all reviews unedited, good, bad or ugly", then you need to stand behind it with action and be true to it.
We also recommend reading:
Storefront reviews
Media reviews
Publishing reviews
a unique opportunity to engage with customers - to build an immediate relationship and publicly demonstrate what your business stands for; and
invaluable insight into best/worst product experiences
Auto Publish can build more trust than almost any other feature if used and communicated correctly. How?
Imagine for a moment that you are a shopper and visit a site and see the following two messages displayed:
"Unbiased Reviews from 1,000s of REAL Customers" ; and
"All product reviews are from our own customers. Every one is published unedited, good, bad or ugly."
We think that you'd be like the majority of shoppers - recognise that this business can be trusted, and more importantly, the reviews on the site can be trusted.
Of course if a review doesn't fall within the review guidelines then it's totally acceptable, and actually preferred, that it's marked inappropriate and removed from the storefront.
Using Auto Publish with the right messaging can significantly increase shopper engagement and conversions and can even save you a stack of time. You can also add comments or un-publish media items any time after publishing.
Auto Publish works like this:
A customer submits a review
Review is automatically published to the storefront
We send an email to notify you that a new review has been received
Add comments or publish/un-publish media items anytime and re-publish
Auto Publish works with the following types of reviews:
Online purchases - email review requests
Storefront reviews - visitors or customers who have previously purchased or have experience
Media review content - photos and videos (if enabled)
Screen capture: Storefront review with Auto Publish

Auto Publish Setup steps
Goto Moderation > Settings
Enable Auto Publish
Screenshot: Auto Publish settings

One last word. It takes a long time to build credibility and trust and they can be lost in an instant. If you are going to unleash the magical power of Auto Publish with a supporting message "We publish all reviews unedited, good, bad or ugly", then you need to stand behind it with action and be true to it.
We also recommend reading:
Storefront reviews
Media reviews
Publishing reviews
Updated on: 28/07/2022
Thank you!